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PHP - Manual: Example that implements inclued into an application


Example that implements inclued into an application

This example demonstrates the process of implementing inclued into an existing application, and viewing the results.

Example #1 Getting the data within the PHP application itself (function)

// File to store the inclued information
$fp fopen('/tmp/wp.ser''w');
if (
$fp) {
$clue inclued_get_data();
    if (
$clue) {

Now that some data exists, it's time to make sense of it in the form of a graph. The inclued extension includes a PHP file named gengraph.php that creates a dot file that requires the » graphviz library. However, this form is not required.

Example #2 Example use of gengraph.php

This example creates an image named inclued.png that shows the inclued data.

# First, create the dot file
$ php gengraph.php -i /tmp/wp.ser -o wp.dot

# Next, create the image
$ dot -Tpng -o inclued.png wp.dot

Example #3 Listing data via inclued dumps (configuration)

When using the inclued.dumpdir directive, files (include clues) are dumped with every request. Here's one way to list those files, and unserialize() them.

if (
$path && is_dir($path)) {

"Path: $path"PHP_EOL;

$inclues = new GlobIterator($path DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 'inclued*');

    if (
$inclues->count() === 0) {
'No clues today'PHP_EOL;

    foreach (
$inclues as $inclue) {

'Inclued file: '$inclue->getFilename(), PHP_EOL;

$data file_get_contents($inclue->getPathname());
        if (
$data) {
$inc unserialize($data);
' -- filename: '$inc['request']['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], PHP_EOL;
' -- number of includes: 'count($inc['includes']), PHP_EOL;
} else {
'I am totally clueless today.'PHP_EOL;


PATH: /tmp/inclued
Inclued file: inclued.56521.1
 -- filename: /Users/philip/test.php
 -- number of includes: 1

Inclued file: inclued.56563.1
 -- filename: /tmp/none.php
 -- number of includes: 0

Inclued file: inclued.56636.1
 -- filename: /tmp/three.php
 -- number of includes: 3
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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

g dot kuizinas at anuary dot com
6 years ago
If you install the module and execute it via CLI it will not produce any errors when not enabled. It took me quite a bit of time until I realised that by default the module is disabled, http://www.php.net/manual/en/inclued.configuration.php.
admin at eexit dot net
8 years ago
The new gengraph.php has « -t » parameter set to « includes » by default. Don't forget to specify it to « classes » for most of all projects.

Since PHP 5.3, namespace operators are stripped by Graphiz when the graph is generated. Add the following tips to escape namespace operators:

// Around line 254
else /* classes */
$filemap = array();

$data["classes"] as $k => $v) {
$class = $v;

// Here is the tip to remove namespaces
$class['name'] = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $class['name']);
$class['mangled_name'] = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $class['mangled_name']);

// ...

By the way, if you are looking for an easy way to use inclued, take a look at my library: http://www.eexit.net/projects/inclued.html
gtisza at gmail dot com
6 years ago
Note that inclued does not work correctly when xdebug is enabled (the includes array remains empty; consequently, graphing the classes works but graphing the files does not). Bug report: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=59419


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